Updated May 16, 2024

Norton 360 Review

Ranked #4 out of 19 Antivirus

User Rating
Expert Rating

Table of contents

In today’s digitized era, our mobile devices serve as windows to our personal, professional, and financial worlds. With this increased connectivity comes an augmented risk of cyber threats. Established decades ago, Norton, a name synonymous with cybersecurity, has persistently endeavored to protect users from a myriad of online threats. 

Recognizing the growing need to shield our mobile lives, they ventured into crafting a robust shield for smartphones and tablets: the Norton Mobile Security. Designed with a blend of tradition and innovation, this tool aims to guard against both established and emerging threats. In this review, we delve deep into its offerings, efficacy, and user experience, exploring whether Norton Mobile Security truly stands tall in the bustling world of mobile cybersecurity.

🐞 Malware detection rate100%
⚔️ Advanced threat protectionYes
🌐 VPNYes(Only in advanced plans)
Free VersionYes
💵 Pricing$29.99 for the year
💻 Operating SystemsAndroid, iOS

Pros and Cons


  • Robust malware detection
  • User-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive features including advanced anti-theft and backup functionalities
  • Dedicated customer support with rapid response times
  • Regular updates to keep up with the latest threats


  • The premium plans need to be more competitively priced
  • Glitches in anti-theft features
  • Some advanced functionalities might be daunting for casual users

Features & Benefits

  1. Anti-malware Protection

Every mobile user fears the potential of a malware invasion. Norton Mobile Security, understanding the significance of this threat, provides state-of-the-art anti-malware technology. The engine integrates signature-based detection with heuristic analysis, ensuring it identifies not only known malware strains but also novel, unrecognized ones. 

In independent tests, Norton’s malware detection consistently scores above 99%, showcasing its prowess in identifying and eliminating threats.

  1. Web Protection

The vast realm of the internet hides many perils. Norton’s Web Protection serves as a sentinel against these hidden dangers. Protection from phishing websites and malicious content – users are promptly alerted if they inadvertently stumble upon a potentially harmful website, helping prevent data theft and malware downloads. Norton’s proprietary technology integrates with browsers, ensuring an extra layer of security during web surfing.

  1. Wi-Fi Security

With the proliferation of public Wi-Fi, the risks associated have soared too. Norton Mobile Security offers features to navigate these networks safely. Before connecting, the software evaluates the safety of the network, alerting users of any potential vulnerabilities. Norton also ensures encrypted data transfer over public networks, diminishing the risks of man-in-the-middle attacks.

  1. Privacy

The price of digital convenience is often our privacy. However, Norton Mobile Security makes a compelling case for reclaiming it. App Advisor feature scrutinizes app permissions, notifying users if an app asks for more access than it should ideally need, aiding in informed decisions about which apps to trust. Norton prevents intrusive ad trackers and cookies from shadowing user activities, ensuring a more private browsing experience.

  1. Anti-theft Capabilities

Losing a device is distressing, not just due to the device’s value but the invaluable data within. If a device gets lost or stolen, Norton lets users remotely secure or erase their data, safeguarding against unauthorized access. In the event of theft, the Sneak Peek feature covertly captures photos of potential culprits, which can be valuable for recovery efforts.

  1. Backup and Restore Functionality

Data loss can be a nightmare. Norton Mobile Security offers tools to minimize this risk. Automated backups can be scheduled, ensuring important data like contacts, messages, and photos are preserved. In case of data loss, restoration is just a few taps away. While cloud storage solutions are abundant, Norton’s encrypted backup offers both convenience and security, making it stand out.

  1. Performance Optimizer

No one likes a sluggish phone. Norton regularly scans for and clears cache and residual files, ensuring optimal device performance. Apart from cleaning, the optimizer also manages apps, highlighting those that are resource-heavy or seldom used.

User Experience

  1. Interface and Design

The mobile landscape is cluttered with apps, but what differentiates a good app from a great one is often its design philosophy. Norton Mobile Security has been designed with users in mind.

Look and feel of the app: The color palette used is a mix of soothing blues and whites, giving it a clean and modern feel. Icons are intuitively crafted, ensuring that even users new to cybersecurity tools find them familiar.

Navigation ease: With a prominently placed dashboard, all essential features are just a tap away. The layout is logical, with nested features and clear demarcations, ensuring users don’t feel overwhelmed with tech jargons.

  1. Setup and Installation

Starting with a new security tool shouldn’t feel like cracking a code. Norton understands this.

Steps to set it up: The installation is streamlined. Once downloaded from the respective app store, users are guided with on-screen prompts, making the setup nearly effortless. The initial scan kicks in automatically, providing an immediate security assessment.

Common issues (if any) and solutions: While the majority of users have a hassle-free experience, some might encounter issues with permissions or device compatibility. However, Norton’s online help center has a plethora of resources, including FAQs and community forums, to navigate these minor hiccups.

  1. Impact on Device Performance

A security tool shouldn’t be a drag on your device’s performance. It should be an enabler, not a hinderer.

App’s footprint on device resources: Norton Mobile Security is optimized to run in the background without consuming excessive RAM or battery. It ensures scans are timed when the device is least active, like during charging, to minimize disruptions.

Lag or speed issues: Though every app has its footprint, users typically report no noticeable lag or speed decline post-installation. The performance optimizer, in fact, often boosts the device’s operational efficiency.

Real-world Test Results

  1. Independent Testing Labs Results

The credibility of a security solution is often gauged by its performance in real-world, third-party tests. Norton Mobile Security, given its standing in the industry, has been put to the test multiple times.

Malware detection rates: Independent labs like AV-TEST and AV-Comparatives have consistently ranked Norton high in their assessments. In recent tests, Norton Mobile Security detected and neutralized over 99% of malicious samples, positioning it among the industry leaders.

False positives: A crucial metric is not just how many threats an app detects, but how accurately it does so. Norton showcases a commendable low rate of false positives, ensuring users aren’t incessantly bombarded with unwarranted alerts.

  1. Customer Feedback

Beyond lab results, user feedback offers invaluable insights into an app’s day-to-day performance and reliability.

Reviews from real users: Scouring forums, app stores, and tech websites, a recurring sentiment is that Norton Mobile Security offers a seamless and non-intrusive experience. Many users commend its easy-to-navigate interface and the tangible sense of security it imparts.

Common praises and criticisms: Users frequently laud the app’s comprehensive protection suite and the minimal impact on device performance. However, some users have pointed out occasional hitches with the anti-theft features or felt the premium plans were on the pricier side.

Pricing and Plans

  1. Comparison of Different Plans

Diversity in pricing ensures that a broad spectrum of users, each with unique requirements and budgets, can avail themselves of cybersecurity solutions.

Features vs. price points: Norton Mobile Security comes in several tiered plans. The basic plan starting at $29.99 per year offers essential protections like anti-malware and web protection. As we ascend the price ladder, features such as advanced backup options, VPN services, and identity theft protections get added. But that can set you back by anything between $49.99 to $114.99 per year.

Suitability for different user needs: For someone seeking basic protection, the introductory plan suffices. However, power users or those particularly concerned about privacy might gravitate towards the more feature-rich, premium plans.

  1. Free vs. Paid Version

In a world where freemium models reign, Norton too offers users a taste of its capabilities without an immediate financial commitment.

What the free version offers: This version provides fundamental protections including scanning for malware, a basic web protection suite, and Wi-Fi scan features. It’s a solid offering for those wary of initial investments or for individuals who are exploring multiple security apps before settling on one.

Benefits of upgrading: Shifting to a paid plan unlocks a realm of advanced protections. These include real-time malware protection, enhanced web protection, advanced anti-theft features, and the invaluable backup and restore functionality. Additionally, users get premium customer support, ensuring any hitches are addressed promptly.

Competitor Comparison

  1. Norton vs. Other Popular Mobile Security Apps

In the vast sea of mobile security solutions, how does Norton hold its ground against other industry giants? Let’s dissect some of the major competitors.

Norton vs. McAfee: McAfee is another longstanding name in the cyber protection domain. While both offer comprehensive malware detection, McAfee often throws in some unique features like a media vault to encrypt photos and videos. Norton, on the other hand, tends to be more streamlined in its user interface and often performs slightly better in real-world detection rates.

Norton vs. Bitdefender: Bitdefender Mobile Security has garnered praise for its nearly impeccable malware detection rates and minimal impact on device performance. While Norton offers a broader suite of features, Bitdefender shines in its simplicity and efficiency, often making it a favorite for users who want a ‘set-it-and-forget-it’ solution.

Norton vs. Kaspersky: Kaspersky’s mobile offering is robust, particularly with its anti-phishing features and top-notch malware detection. However, Norton’s wider range of features, especially in the premium plans, often gives it an edge for users looking for an all-in-one solution.

  1. Value Proposition

In terms of bang for the buck, how does Norton fare?

Features-per-dollar: While Norton might seem pricier at first glance, a deep dive reveals the extensive range of features offered, especially in the higher-tier plans. This makes it a value-packed option for those who want comprehensive protection.

Performance impact vs. security: Norton manages to provide robust security without noticeably slowing down devices. This balance is crucial and isn’t always achieved by competitors, making Norton a favorable choice for many.

Customer support and regular updates: Norton’s commitment to its users is evident in its frequent software updates, adapting to new threats, and an always-available customer support system. Some competitors fall short in this regard, giving Norton an edge in post-purchase service.

Strengths and weaknesses

Key Strengths

After our exhaustive analysis, Norton Mobile Security emerges with a set of defining strengths that make it a formidable player in the mobile security arena.

Robust Malware Detection: With consistently high scores from independent testing labs, it’s evident that Norton is at the forefront when it comes to identifying and neutralizing threats.

Intuitive User Experience: The seamless interface, combined with logical feature placement, ensures that users of all technical proficiencies can navigate the app confidently.

Comprehensive Feature Suite: From essential protections to advanced features like backup and anti-theft measures, Norton offers an all-encompassing safety net for its users.

Proactive Customer Support: An always-responsive customer support, bolstered by an extensive online help center, exemplifies Norton’s commitment to its user base.

Areas for Improvement

No product is without its set of challenges, and Norton Mobile Security, despite its accolades, has areas where it could refine further.

Pricing Structure: While the range of features justifies the price for many, some users feel that the premium plans could be more competitively priced, especially in a market teeming with freemium models.

Anti-theft Feature Refinement: As echoed by a subset of users, the anti-theft features can sometimes be a bit glitchy. Streamlining this could amplify user trust.

Simplification of Advanced Features: For the layman, some advanced features might seem overwhelming. A guided walkthrough or tutorial for these could aid in better user assimilation.


  1. Who Should Consider Norton Mobile Security?

Certain demographics and user profiles emerge as ideal candidates for Norton Mobile Security:

Tech Enthusiasts and Power Users: Given its comprehensive suite of features, those who seek the best-in-class protection for their devices will find Norton to be a worthy companion.

Casual Users Seeking Reliable Protection: With its intuitive interface and easy setup process, even those not well-versed with technology can rely on Norton to keep their mobile devices secure.

Individuals Concerned About Privacy: The advanced features, including VPN and identity theft protection in premium plans, cater specifically to those who prioritize their digital privacy.

  1. Is Norton Mobile Security Worth the Investment?

In a digital era where threats are evolving and becoming more sophisticated, having a robust line of defense is crucial. Norton Mobile Security, with its legacy and commitment to user protection, presents itself as a formidable shield.

Cost vs. Peace of Mind: While there might be cheaper alternatives in the market, the peace of mind Norton offers, especially in its premium plans, often outweighs the cost factor for many.

Constant Evolution: One of the commendable aspects of Norton is its dedication to staying updated. With frequent software upgrades, users can be assured they are always protected against the latest threats.

  1. Final Thoughts

Mobile devices have become an extension of our lives, housing a plethora of personal and sensitive information. In such a scenario, safeguarding them isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity. Norton Mobile Security, with its blend of innovation and reliability, emerges as a trusted ally in this cybersecurity journey.

While no product is flawless, Norton’s strengths notably overshadow its areas of improvement. Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual or someone just seeking to secure their device without delving deep into technicalities, Norton caters to a broad spectrum.

As we conclude our review, the crux remains clear: In the intricate dance between digital threats and defenses, having Norton Mobile Security is akin to having a seasoned choreographer guiding your steps, ensuring you remain unscathed in the face of potential digital adversities.

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Norton 360



In today’s digitized era, our mobile devices serve as windows to our personal, professional, and financial worlds. With this increased connectivity comes an augmented risk of cyber threats. Established decades ago, Norton, a name synonymous with cybersecurity, has persistently endeavored to protect users from a myriad of online threats. 

Recognizing the growing need to shield our mobile lives, they ventured into crafting a robust shield for smartphones and tablets: the Norton Mobile Security. Designed with a blend of tradition and innovation, this tool aims to guard against both established and emerging threats. In this review, we delve deep into its offerings, efficacy, and user experience, exploring whether Norton Mobile Security truly stands tall in the bustling world of mobile cybersecurity.

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Bitdefender Free



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Over the past years, the company’s products have topped independent ratings. Therefore, it is no surprise that many people turn to Bitdefender when they need an antivirus program for their PC. More importantly, Bitdefender Antivirus is one of the most popular free antivirus programs for Windows devices. Therefore, when people require a decent antivirus program without the need to spend additional money, the free package from Bitdefender seems appealing enough.

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Avast One Essential



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Ranked #4 out of 19 Antivirus